Saturday, August 5, 2017

Saint Mary Group~

Helloww gayyss, its to long time i'm not creat a blog :)

Today, I want to tell the interesting activities of our group 'santamaria' time running the PLS / MOS. Hhmm, so the first time to go to school after two months off, who try not lazy? No, right? Yes! Ofc!

That day We all ten graders have got temporary classes / classes before being distributed, in my group are many friends who have been close to me since the first, although not all of them, in my group also many new children, all good and friendly i like it :) Long days we passed together, running games together, looking for puzzles together, eat together, and we follow the race together and our group winsss yeayyy we are two champions!!!, who not happy? We are ver happy.

And the coming day, makrab 'malam keakraban'
Today we will stay together and accompanied by osis officials, all the equipment that will be brought I have prepared and just waiting for tomorrow. Yeay, the awaited day finally came, we all started the show with contemplation and then breakfast together, after which we followed a variety of cool games. The day begins the night, we will all follow the art scene, our class is preparing this in just one day, cool is not right? And evenings took place, we all gathered in the field, there was a bonfire and the appearance of several classes including our class, at the end of the show, the osis announced that our class was the most compact class so we all got the rewards of keychains, Happy and finally we rest. But at 1 o'clock all the students were awakened to follow the 'jurit malam' huh gave me goosebumps -_- but no fun happened, all was well, I could go back to bed at 3 am, wow.

This morning, we all wake up at 7 o'clock and we all play water games yeayy, after that we all go home. Geez this group really made me miss in a few days :)  like the sorrow that happened but we keep running it together, it's the key to togetherness

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