Before entering the new environment, you must pay attention to the following steps
First, look for information about the new environment that you will occupy, prepare mentally, do not even feel inferior (if in the previous environment is not comfortable, then you must change with the following steps).
Before adapting don't forget to organize yourself, dress well like the people around us. Be warm and be friendly to people who are around us, but do not pretend to be close, because people around you will see you strange.
Then do not forget you must have the provision of reliable and correct information about the new environment that we will live first, so that things that we do not want to happen like wrong perception.
The last tip is that we have to approach new people by mixing themselves to chat, participating in activities in the environment, mutual cooperation, and others after feeling comfortable even other participation will arise by itself. And finally, even though we live in a new environment, we don't need to falsify ourselves with new identities and personalities. Always be yourself.
Many people find it difficult to adjust their new territory, as a result it is awkward between each other, hopefully these tips are very useful for many people out there.